Friday, October 31, 2014

Cyurrealizm Vahram Davtian (Vahram Davtyan)

   Born in 1961 in the city of Vanadzor, Yerevan Institute of Fine Armeniya.Okonchchil iskusstva.Tehnike famous masters studied at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

Vahram Davtian

and here

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Artist Mian Situ

Born in 1953, South China. Mian Situ received formal training in the art of his native Guangdong, formerly Canton. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, a prestigious institution in Guangzhou .After teaching for six years, received a master's degree in fine iskusstva.Immigratsiya to Canada and then move to the United States in 1995 godu.Kartiny Mian reflect his upbringing in rural areas .He feels a strong need, as an artist, to preserve the traditional way of life in China. Mian has been recognized by many national awards in iskusstve.V currently lives with his wife, Helen and daughter Lisa in Southern California.

Mian Situ

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Charles Warren Mundy was born in 1945 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Honorary Member of the American artists. Master status, American Society of impressionists. Member of the American Society of Marine Artists

Charles Warren Mundy